Setting goals are important in all parts of life, so of course at Inspire Athletics we encourage and assist our athletes to make goals for the upcoming cheer season. There are so many components of cheerleading to consider when setting goals, and team goal setting as a group is also important so everyone is working hard towards a common goal.

Write them down
Writing your goals down makes them real, and you can also re-visit them regularly to remind yourself of your goal. We like to do this as a team and have individual goals as well as team goals. Be SPECIFIC, eg ‘I want to get my back handspring’ has a definite outcome rather than ‘I want to get better at tumbling’. Make sure your goal is MEASURABLE – how will you know when you have achieved your goal?

Be Realistic
Your goal must be attainable in the timeframe you have set for yourself, you do not want to set yourself up for failure. The whole point is to achieve your goals! Are your goals RELEVANT? Is it important to YOU? When you are planning your goals write down how you plan on achieving them. For example, if your goal is to get your back walkover you might plan to attend tumbling lessons or privates to assist you in reaching your goal.

Your goals should have a definite ending point so that you can measure when you have achieved them. Revisit them regularly and ask yourself how are you progressing towards your goal? If you achieve your goal throughout the cheer season make another one! There’s no better feeling than smashing goals!

Take a look at the attached goal setting sheet which can help you to identify your cheerleading goals. Write them down, stick them on your wall and go out there and achieve them!